Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week 11 Discussion Questions

1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.


  1. 1. the first thing i did was really find something that fits me best and being able to adapt to new things and a whole different croud. and hope i can get a better look on things and how it's worth and turns out.

    2.basically speaking out to a group of people was really the most challenging thing that i have face. but at the end I felt that i did much better and being able to speak and not say nothing. and i felt that my preparation and thoughts came out 100% good. will support equal opportunities for eac and every individuals, support their up's and downs on things, and being able to help others and give back.

  2. 1. I thought of something that I would be interested in and be proud of being apart of.
    2. I think that a potential challenge would be getting the kids to cooperate and follow directions.
    3. It will not only increase the knowledge of younger children, but my knowledge as well. I learn from those younger than myself, just as they learn from me.
    @David...I agree with you finding something that fits yourself. How can you help someone else with something you're not comfortable with.

  3. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?
    -Well for the community I wish to serve, I first started off by research "communities in need of service" in Google's search engine and then I took it from there, as far as finding what community would my willingness to serve benefit the most from

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?
    -The peers that I would contact to help, being willing to help regardless of how much time it takes and how much work you'd have to put in

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.
    -Many learning opportunities can come from service. For example, learning how to build things, enhancing mathematics skills for measurement or percentage, learning how to be a sufficient individual of networking, etc.

  4. Ebone Pierce Thursday 2:30-3:20

    1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?
    I took a poll and saw what the needs were for the community. That is the best way to access the needs of your community. You will only know if you ask.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?
    The criticism i will receive for trying to better my community. Some people will not like what i have to bring to the table. But i will stand strong and they will have to deal with it.

  5. Jhory: I agree with your entire goals you should try to reach everyone of them.

    David: I agree to find what fits your interest first just don't hop into anything.

    Alexandria: Getting the kids to cooperate will be a big challenge.

  6. 3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    My students will learn to be responsible and take matters into their own hands responsibly.

  7. 1) I begin choosing a community service that fits me and my wishes .I want to make a big impact so that i know i have accomplished something for the community and not just for me .

    2) The challenge would be finding volunteers who are willing to make a change and move forward through community service .

    3)It will offer skillful knowledge and also a different way of thinking to execute a task or challenge . It will also help others put themselves in other people's situations , who are in need , to help them grow .

  8. @ David : It is great that you would choose a community service that fits your interest and what you stand for .

    @ Alexandria : Getting everyone to cooperate would be a task considering that everyone isn't reliable .

  9. Nicole Carriere
    1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?
    ****My method of selecting a community that is in need I look through the newspaper, look at the news and/or I get on the internet. As I use those resources I then would find something that has my best interest; therefore I go out and give back to the community.
    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?
    ****Any challenges that I may face is the tasks that I may have to do; some of those tasks maybe hard or on the other hand they may not be.
    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.
    ****As I would experience through these learning opportunities could vary in many ways; for example, I may enhance my building, mathematics, teaching and communication skills.

  10. ---i chose to find community activities that i was interested in, so while i was doing my service i would be fine doing them
    ---how many people are willing to volunteer their time to make a difference in the community
    ---it will help me see things from different point of views, and give back to make a difference in the community
    ----Ms.Taaler Johnson----

  11. @Ebone:the people will criticize you, when you are only trying to help because some feel like they don't need the help
    ----Ms.Taaler Johnson----

  12. 1. I thought about something that would interest me. I also thought about what communities would need the most help and support.

    2. Speaking out to a large group of people would be one of my biggest challenges because I dislike group presentation or speeches. Also finding the volunteers would be a huge challenge.

    3. It will support each and every individual on a different level. It will definitely put others in others shoes, as far as, finding out what others are going through and the challenges they are faces.

  13. @ Jhory---I think your ideas are good and should be reached out to all.

    @Ebone---I agree 100%. Some may not like what you have to bring to the table but as long as you are running the show they have the right to hang around and help or leave.

    @Craishan---Finding people to help or volunteer is likely a challenge for most people but it is the truth.

  14. 1. Ms Rutherford told the class to get into groups of ten and each group generate an idea that they would want to do for a community service project. Than each group presented their idea and voted on which one they liked the best. The project with the highest number of votes won, and that's how we decided.
    2. the most difficult part of our group project will be getting the high school students to come to school on a Saturday to fill out college applications. And also finding the students will be a challenge.
    3. The learning opportunities that can be obtained are leadership, event planning, mentor ship, and organization.

  15. Lyniece Catalan said....
    #1) First I would have to research the community in which I desire to serve to gain background and insight information about the community, as far as what resources they have and lack. You cant walk into an interview without any prior knowledge of the person being interviwed.

    #2)Finding the funds to do what my proposal is. Also gathering the community and publicizing the event in which I desire to hold in their community. Getting volunteers from the Dillard and having them actively be involved with the project.

    #3)We will mentor to them, teach them how to give back to their own community, explain how going to school can benefit their communities by improving them, and also help families understand the importance if recycling!

  16. I agree with majorily everyone particularly in the skills that can be obtained. I feel that we will all grow (learning) and give (give skills that we have already obtained)with our projects. Best of luck to everyone.

  17. 1. I think the whole thing about serving a community is to change, improve, or maintain my community. I think the first thing you need to do is anaylsis what needs to be done in the community. What? How? and Why? the community needs what it needs. From there make ideas on your information.

    2. I think the most challegeninig thing about my community service is to get things organized and makes an impact upon lives.

    3. If you change your a life than a community will be upon change.

    I agree with Ellissia because she has good points on community service. Research and present it to your group for improve.

    I agree with everybody because we all have our own opinions of our own community services.

  18. Kerby Wallace

    1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?
    * I thought about the Gentilly community first, then i thought about what would really have an d leave an impact on .

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?
    *To have activities that will keep the students involved and interested in the information we want to give. Also have a positive approach in giving that information where it dosent sound as if we are preaching.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.
    *This service learning project that my class plans to do will hopefully leave those students with a better outlook on college and maybe change someone's opinion about college.

    I feel the same way. Making an impact is a main focus of mine.

    It is great how you want to learn from this experience as well, so both you and the community will leave with a different outlook.

    I too get nervous when i have to speak in front of others, especially high schoolers because i was once one so i know how they can perceive college students.

  19. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?
    -I started to think about what is most effected in the New Orleans area and our school systems can always use help. Therefore, we decided on a project that will help high school students.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?
    -The full participation of the students and if we can really get the information through to them.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.
    -Our class thought of the idea of having a informational about financial aid. This will be an attempt to obtain some knowledge of how to finance their years in college.

    I honestly agree with everybody because all the ideas of the community service are good and will hopefully help someone.

    -Klervae' Stinson

  20. There are ways to access the needs of the community and serve them. I accomplish this task by first inquiring from those that live in my community. After I asked the older participants I asked the younger age children because I see children as innocent and pure and value their opinion.

    There are significant and potential challenges throughout the process of caring a plan to success. I see the challenges stemming from getting the necessary materials and then possibly acknowledging there part in the success of the plan. I see this as a problem because so often people are worried about their own individual credit and not the sense of joy they receive from completing the project.

    People would have the opportunity to experience first hand the tears and the overwhelming joy of helping not only disadvantage youth but children that are in foster care systems because of natural disasters. The children would be allowed to stay with their, “Big Sister, or Big Brother.” From this experience the children would understand that college is still possible and recommend so that they can move on from the traumatic experience of separation from loved ones.

  21. 1. My peers and I thought about helping high school students prepare for college.

    2. A challenge we will face is getting the students to participate in the activity on a Saturday. Also. some students may not have a ride to participate.

    3.Students will kno he requirements to attend college. Many are discouraged because they would be the first generation to attend collegs. Others believe they can't afford college. they will learn that anything is possible if the maintain a high GPA.

    Ebone Pierce: Finding out what the people want is important.

    Lyniece Catalan: Teaching them to recycle is beneficial because many people don't recycle.

    Klervae' Stinson: That's a good point,some students don't listen to people who have experienced what their going through.

  22. 1. First we talked about what we all didn't want to do. We all agreed on working on something less cliche than helping homeless or the elderly. So we came up with helping out the high schooler since we recently graduated and we can relate to them.

    2. Most anticipated challenge would be thinking of ways to engage the high school students. In order for this project to be successful, we have to get the students to actually be interested in what we are talking about.

    3. It will offer the high school students insight on going to college. It will offer us college students the oppurtunity to gain experience with teaching and relating to people.

    @Alainna: yes, getting the students to participate on a saturday is the hardest challenge to me as well.
    @Kerby: how well a gentilly project have a bigger impact than any other project?
    @Jhory: I think you misunderstood the question for number 2.

  23. 1. I first thought about community services that I would have liked to have afforded to me. The first thing that crossed my mind was the fact that I was not greatly educated about the transition from high school to college and I felt that enlightening future high school graduates about the transition would be a wonderful service project.

    2. I believe the most significant potential challenge of our proposed project will be getting the kids to sacrifice their Saturday to spend with us and also sharing valuable information with them, while keeping them interested.

    3. I feel that our service project of educating high school students about college will be fun, informational, and beneficial. We plan to have games and even perform skits to educate the students and keeping them interested, so that they enjoy our service learning project but also remember the things that we aim to teach them.

    @ David

    Speaking in front of a group of people is a task that frightens me as well. Service learning projects like this however, give us the opportunity to speak to a smaller, less intimidating audience. I believe this will help to prepare us for bigger and fundamental speeches in our careers.

    @ Craishan Bridges

    I agree that it is a tough task to find people who are selfless and willing to help others. As college students, we should be mature enough to be excited about helping others to better themselves while learning new skills to carry into our futures.

    @ Ellissia

    I don't think that finding students will be a problem if we go out and contact schools and have them work with us to recruit participants.

  24. 1. I thought about something that would be interesting to me, then i looked in my DU book and checked off a list of activities that i would be good at, after that we worked as a group by deciding on what we all would like to be a part of.

    2.I believe the most significant potential challenge of our proposed project will be getting the students to cooperate with each other. Another challenge may also be that the students will not like to spend their Saturday at DU.

    3. The students will mature into well respected and responsible young adults.

  25. Iwent about this process by seeing what that community needed. This meant for me actually taking a hands on approach to something I normally wouldnt do. By being a proactive individual I saw first handed what the community needed.

    2. I honestly dont believe that I will have any problems, with the act I will do.

    3. I feel that the learning oppurnities will be that we as individuals will learn to be more greatful for the things we have.

  26. Wednesday, March 3, 2010
    Week 11 Discussion Questions
    1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    Well actually I didn't do yet, I just know what I want to do.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

    I know that i can open up hope in people and letting them know that their are people who care.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    It eould offer them to know that life isn't easy, you will always need someone when you least expect. You can't make it in the world alone.

  27. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    I went about this process by seeing what the community is really in need of and focusing on how I could help and provide for the community.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

    The important thing to do is to get everyone to want to particapate and also the fact that it will be on a Saturday and just hope that everyone could work together as a group.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    I think it will offer the participants a chance to see how helpful they can be and also learn from the experience and would want to do more to service projects for the community.

    Alicia Russ

  28. 1. I thought about all of the things I always complained about and as opposed to complaining more I thought about solutions to the problems and effective ways to bring about awareness.

    2. I look foward to seeing people that were not motivated to apply to college feel confident about applying and even being excited about going to college.

    3. My hopes are that the students are more aware of the opportunities to get into college and hopefully think with the end in mind and focus on their carriers and future goals as opposed to short term gains.

  29. 1. In the process of me figuring out what i want for my community i wish to serve i had to organize things that could be improved in the community and how could i make it better.
    2.Getting everyone to participate is always the hard part of doing community service projects so i think this will also be my challenge.
    3.I think my project will get people to see how they could change something in this world if they just participate and get involoed.

  30. 1. I observed the problems in my community and spoke with the people in my community. Sometimes people cannot see what they need so it is good to observe on your own but it is also good to ask questions.

    2. I think organization will be the most signigificant challenge. It is always difficult to organize large groups of people.

    3.I think the project will teach college students how the importance of giving back. It was also teach them to work with people younger than them and help them to appreciate the people who helped them.

  31. 1. To assess the needs of the community, I observed the people around the community. Many people shared the same complaints. So, I decided to think of solutions to the issue.

    2. The most significant potential challenge of my project being a success is the lack of participation from the community. Many people complain, yet they do nothing to see improvement.

    3. My service project would offer many learning opportunites geared toward the youth of the community. They are the future, and it is very important for them to participate in positive activities and learn about the many opportuities that are offered to them.

  32. 1. In order to assess the needs of the community I wish to serve I had to see what kind of people lived in the community. I had to know what they thought were the major problems in their community before I attempted to mess with things I thought were problematic.

    2. The most significant potential challenge of my project being a success is coming up with an innovative idea that will be more effective than just coming up with something for a grade.

    3. My service project will offer its participants an opportunity to learn more about more communities and about how to access the needs of people effectively.

    Briana: It's great that you're trying to get people to apply to college.

    Lyniece: Good luck on finding funds. You're gonna need it!

    Ebone: Don't worry about criticism.

  33. 1. Individually if I wanted to perform community service, I would survey some of the residents and see what they feel lacks the community so I won't only be satisfying myself but the community as well. After figuring out what most people in the community said was needed I would draw out a plan to organize this project such as figuring out what supplies are needed, who else would want to help, and making sure this community service would benefit the residents of the community.

    2.The most significant challenge would be to get others involved in what i'm planning to do.

    3.The service learning project would teach its participants how to use their special talents not only in the classroom, but in the community as well.It will also teach people how not to only think of themselves but to think of other people as well

  34. @Ebone...I know, but if we all cooperate hopefully we can get the job done
    @Jhory...That's very smart of you to see what communites are actually in need of assistance
    @Lyniece...Great ananlogy used to describe how you would choose what community you wished to serve

  35. Kanitria Mason

    1. First, I thought about the surrounding mind instantly focused on youth, since I am a youth. Next, I thought of the things that I knew from learning on campus that i could use to serve the community.

    2. the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success will probably be getting everyone to participate and get things achieved in an organized, timely manner.

    3. Students will probably learn that you can do simple fun things that will make a great impact in the community that they live in.

  36. Iesha J. Simms
    March 17, 2010
    DU 902 Wednesday 9:00-9:50
    Discussion Questions Week 11

    1.How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?
    First I sat down and figured out all of the major things that needed to be done first. Then I tried to come to conclusions on how I will do these things. I decided who will help me with the project and I also decided and made a plan as to who will benefit from the things that I am doing for my community.

    2.What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?
    I think the most significant potential challenges of my proposed project being a success would have to be the willingness of how much time it will take for this project to be completed and to have everyone’s complete dedication to getting this project started and completed.

    3.Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.
    My service learning project will offer its participants a few learning opportunities. It will first teach them that giving back to the community is a really good way of showing how much you care. It will also show them how to be leaders into taking a stand into what you really want to do with your plans. It will teach them that if you want to make something happen, don’t just say it, do it!

    @ Taaler: i agree with you finding something that interest you.

    @ Alicia: i like how you said that you first tried to see what the community is in need of.

    @ Ericka: i like how you said that you guys eliminated the things that you didnt want to do.

  37. 1. i thought about what i really needed when i was younger and what i see children needing whenever i spend time with them since they are the target market so we picked things that may be critical to the community and can also teach the kids a thing or two while teaching them responsibility.

    2. honestly i feel that the project this team has decided upon is kind of wack so i think the most difficult part of making it a success would be entertaining the kids and teaching them something at the same time.

    3. it will offer the participants a chance to clean up the environment and learn the different types of things you can do by recycling and it will alaso give them a chance to see how much we do as college students and what we hope they will accomplish as well.

  38. 1. Being a college freshman, i persnally know the struggles of deciding where to attend college and how to go about doing it, so giving high school students a campus tour and walking them through the financial aid process will make the transformation much easier for them.
    2. i think one challenge will be trying to give each student one on one attention. service project will allow the students to learn more about what really goes on in college and give them better insights on the expectations that they already may have.
    @andrew tadros: if you really feel that your group has chosen a "wack" assignment, then maybe you should urge them to reconsider their choice and come up with another idea that you can personally enjoy....

  39. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    When accessing the needs of a community, you should take into consideration the ages of the people living in the community, what resources and recreation are available and not available to the community and you could also compare it to your own community to see what is missing or what is already there.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

    The most significant potential challenges will probably be getting everyone to willingly participate. Of course they fcan threaten us with bad grades, but if your heart isn't in it the job will most likely be half done.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    The opportunities we will get from this service learning project is simply giving abck to the community and being able to feel like we did our part to help someone else.

    --Ariana Mercadel

  40. 1.first i thought of who needs help the most and where are they located. then i thought of who would we have a greater impact on

    2.even though we only have a couple hours i think we can really help these high schoolers and motivate them to be successful will offer the young people a look into college life and hopefully influence the ones who did not plan to attend to come to college

  41. Chardai Grays
    1. First you look in the neighborhood that need the most help. Most of the time those are neighborhood where minorities live.
    2. It would be a challenge trying to get the neighborhood to keep up the project.
    3. My project would help the neighborhood get a look into how college can help people.

    @ Shantae Walker... What methods would you use to get students to come to college.

    @Iesha ... Finding th problem is the first step in finding a solution to a problem

    @Kmyana... What exactlly is your project? It sounds very interesting.

  42. Felisha Lynn RideauMarch 31, 2010 at 8:30 PM

    1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    Well first I would do what most of my fellow classmates are doing and research the community and see what is needed and what I can do to improve the environment.I would also think of who can help and what assignments can be assigned to better the event.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

    I think the most significant potential challenges of my proposed project being a success would have to be the time and effort put into it. Also enlightening the community's residents would also play a major role in my success.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    My project would offer help, assistance, joy and education to the people. I would like to make the community happy and fix and do things that has been asked for repeatedly! I know the feeling when you need something done.

    -Felisha R.

  43. 1. First I thought about the needs of the community and which community would need my help the most then I try to fit the needs of the community with my wishes and who would have a greater impact on my life.

    2. think the most significant potential challenges of my proposed project being a success would be speaking to a large amount of people.

    3.My project would offer education, and help young people with getting started with college.

    @Felisha R I agree with the answer that you gave for question number 2

    @Chardai How would you go about helping the neighborhood get a look into how college help people?

    @Andrew I agree with the answer that you gave gor question number 2 also

  44. Bridget Danielle SisneyApril 6, 2010 at 3:11 PM

    1. I would do a pol and ask different ages groups that are living in the community what they need or would like to see improved in their community, and then i would use the information gathered to plan a way to help them.

    2. Well thus far the biggest problem we have been having is everyone being dedicated to making our project a succes. The morale seems to be low with some students wanting to make sure everything is the best it can be!!!

    3.With the project my class has in mind we want to educate young children about how to recycle and the benefits it has.

  45. Alexandria Broadnax
    1.) I think the first thing to do is observe. Look around and see what problems the community have that you can helpp to solve. I believe u definetly gotta think realistically and sometimes not be too broad.
    2.) The thing thats gonna be a major challenge is probally just getting everybody on one accord and actually putting the thing together because right now... I honestly can say that i dont know whats going on. So probably just getting everybody involved and working.
    3.) This project is supposed to help students understand the importance of coming tocollege and also that college isnt all work it can also be fun.

    >>TYenelle: Good point in your first answer.
    >>>Chillia: I dont like speaking in front of lots of people either but toughen up u can do it.
    >>>CHardai: I agree this project should help students get interested in college so we can have more prominent black individuals in society :-)

  46. @ Alex, Jhory, Felisha..i agree

    1.)First Consider the actual service that needs to be rendered within nthw communty and how engaging and effective it ould be.

    2.) The most challenging thing may simply be the willingness of the community memebers actually wanting to get involved and possible time constraints.

  47. 1.) I think one must observe the surroundings in the community. You have to be aware of what it is the community needs in order to act and do a learning project.

    2.) The biggest challenge would be time management. One must take the time to plan out what they need to do. Also, they must make sure the have the time to start and complete the community.

    3.) In this learning project they will learn how to take education and their future seriously.

  48. 1. We plan to provide a service for the aspiring college students that are currently in highschool by providing them with guidance and valuable advice.

    2. I expect the biggest challenge for this project to be getting the class togfether and on the same page, so that everyone participates and understands what is going on.

    3. I predict the participants will be more confident in themselves and their ability to compete for a space at a respectable univesrsity anywhere in the country, I also hope that will pass their confidence on to their peers who may not be able to attend.

  49. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    I thought of my own personal experiences in life when determing what I wanted to do with this service learning project. I remember being in high school and totally freaked out about the thought of college. I especially had issues with the cost. I didnt know much about financial aid. So I figured that helping high school students better understand it would take less stress off of them.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

    Keeping the students interrested.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.
    It will help the students get a better understanding of what the financial aid process is all about.
    Ashley Starks

  50. 1. I would probably go about this by contacting administration or anyone who has the power to access whatever I may need.

    2.Potential challenges may be with the impatient or somewhat ignorant student who doesnt really want to listen to anything. Cohen high school is known for having those types.

    3.It will offer participants information about college life, but It will also give students somewhat, hands on learning and experience with college apps and paperwork.

  51. @Briana-I believe what you are stating is one of the most important factors in this whole project.

    @sonyamarie- I also agree that you should always be aware of your surroundings to understand whats going on around you.

    @lauren-In order to serve a community, you must know what type of community your serving. Do a little research on the area, so you wont find yourself being surprised by anything.

  52. 1.How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    we evaluated what audience and what types of needs in a community we were looking as a target. after careful thought we thought it would be best to give back to a community such as an age group like ourselves.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success

    not having any participants show up for the event

    3.Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    i think this service project will provide these up coming senior high students with a better advantage of resources and knowing all the need to know in order to make the best college pick.

    @Johnathan: i agree this will give the student an upperhand on the things they need to know about college and process such as applications
    @ Candance banks: i agree the organization will be a difficult task
    @Erica peters: yes i agree that keep the students engaged and interested in what we have to say will be somewhat of a challenge

  53. 1. I just did what the leaders asked us to do. We wen to their homes. knocked on the doors. explained to the resident what we were doing and why we were doing it and conducted the survey.

    2. The most challenging part was trying to get the people to answer the door and participate in the surevey

    3. It wiill teach how to plan better and also teach us that with services like this sometimes the community isn't always willling to cooperate with you in order to make things possible.

  54. 1. I accesed the need of the community I wished to serve by observing and evaluating the people within it.

    2. My most important potential challenges of my project is getting the high school students to participate and accept my help.

    3. My service learning project will make students secure, aware, and confident. They will have a positive attitude from the support and encouragement we have provided.

  55. Hannah Ingram

    We discussed the issues of our community as a group and implemented how we could change the complications in a positive way. We anticipated that they may not conform or be comfortable with the presence of unfamiliar faces. Every service opportunity is a learning experience. Depending on the assignment at hand, you can learn a hands-on skill or in my case, people skills!

  56. 1. Well we had a class discussion inwhich we broke up into groups brainstormed and came back with ideas

    2. well i thought the biggest challenge would be getting children on campus, and keeping them entertained without cutting their throats cus they were on our nerves

    3. They would get to have fun and hear some of our experiences and ask us whatever questions they want

  57. 1. When it comes to thinking about a community service thats best fit I will always say feeding the hungry because thats the best way to give back to me just to know someones not going to bed hungry.

    2. when people try to stop you and not listent to you as if you dont have a voice.

    3.The community service me and my group are doing will help in ways of imforming people the do's and donts of college.

  58. Jasmine Hardman

    1. I think the first thing to do is observe. Look around and see what problems the community have that you can help to solve. I believe u definetly gotta think realistically and sometimes not be too broad.
    2. The thing thats gonna be a major challenge is probally just getting everybody on one accord and actually putting the thing together because right now... I honestly can say that i dont know whats going on. So probably just getting everybody involved and working.
    3. This project is supposed to help students understand the importance of coming to college and also that college isnt all work it can also be fun.

    @TYenelle: Good point in your first answer.
    @Chillia: I dont like speaking in front of lots of people either but u can do it.
    @CHardai: I agree this project should help students get interested in college so we can have more prominent black individuals in society.

  59. Jessica CunninghamApril 28, 2010 at 7:11 PM

    1.I would began by seeing what needs the community needs by observation of the neighborhood or doing a survey and then began my service from there. I would pick the community that would benefit from the project the most and have the biggest impact.

    2. The biggest challenge I think would be coming up with a bcak up plan since my class's first idea backfired and we coulnt do it therefore we had to come up with something else that wouuld benefit the community.

    3. I thing that the project will be a success despite the obstacles and my class will make the best of it and actually reach somebody to make a change in the community starting with that one person

  60. Jessica CunninghamApril 28, 2010 at 7:20 PM

    @ Jasmine i agree observing the needs of the community is a start a simple clean up can make the outside look good.

    @ Deionka I think your hypothesis is vey well thought out most people are lost and college is something new sharing your expiriences can be a great help.

    @ Quinysha I agree with your ideas sounds like a good project

  61. 1.My community project would be to go to a local community observe how they live and what they need and need help with.I would get donations and people to show up and help.
    2.I think my challeges would be to get donations and people to come out and help.
    3.My community service will serve the purpose of getting people to serve our community.

  62. 1. The first thing I done was seek out the ideal comunity service that I wouldn't have a problem doing myself. Because you want to plan a project that your willing to do yourself.

    2. The challenge is getting the people to come out. Also, finding a success way to plan the project as if would go successfully and/or if it would fail.

    3. My ideal community service will help educate the people about their cities history

  63. 1) I begin choosing a community service that fits me and my wishes .I want to make a big impact so that i know i have accomplished something for the community and not just for me .

    2) The challenge would be finding volunteers who are willing to make a change and move forward through community service .

    3)It will offer skillful knowledge and also a different way of thinking to execute a task or challenge . It will also help others put themselves in other people's situations , who are in need , to help them grow .

  64. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    I assess the needs of my community by asking questions to those who may have a greater perspective such as people in leadership positions and people who have lived in the area a longer time. These questions would be asked in a canvass of the community.

    Alexandria Moore: I agree, it will be difficult to get the kids of our community service to cooperate if our project isn't creative enough.

    David: I believe you will challenge yourself to speak out more throughout the project. Because you know what your issue is, you can now use this opportunity to make it better.

    Alicia Russ: Working together as a group will be the most challenge, this is certainly the truth. I believe we will all learn to value and respect the rules and requirements of teamwork.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

    I think the greatest challenge will be ensuring that all members of the group stay informed and active contributors.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    I believe that this project will offer the participants a chance to step up as leaders, express themselves through talking about their colleges experiences, enhance their planning skills.

  65. 1. I thought about something that would interest me. I also thought about what communities would need the most help and support.

    2. Speaking out to a large group of people would be one of my biggest challenges because I dislike group presentation or speeches. Also finding the volunteers would be a huge challenge.

    3. It will support each and every individual on a different level. It will definitely put others in others shoes, as far as, finding out what others are going through and the challenges they are faces.

  66. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?

    We discussed ideas as a class and at the end we took a vote which was the deciding factor on which project we would participate in.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?

    I suspected the most significant challenges to be planning due to communication barriers throughout classmates such as not having phone numbers or if you have them just simply not being able to get in touch with everyone and getting everyone to do their part.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.

    I think this service project will teachxus patience since we have to work with students younger than us.

    --Ariana Mercadel

  67. 1. How did you go about the process of accessing the needs of the community you wish to serve?***I worked closely with the people in the community. I found common ground to where they would open up and help me define the issses that the community was having.

    2. What do you anticipate as being the most significant potential challenges of your proposed project being a success?***The support of the class and the support of actual students. Many times high school students will make a commitment and not follow up on it. Also, the class that is supposed to be doing the event is full of different personalities hence that could cause a problem.

    3. Hypothesize about what learning opportunities your service learning project will offer its participants.***It will teach the intangible lessons like versatility and flexibility in planning and it will cause more people to learn the interworkings of leadership positions.
