Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week 3 Discussion Questions

1. Of the 3 Essential Academic Skills discussed in your reading this far, rank them in terms of their importance, provide justification for your choice.

2.What are the lessons you learned from last semester? How will you incorporate those lessons into your success this semester?

3.If you were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success, what would it look like? Post an agenda and a description of your workshop. (QEP) Save a copy of your response to be uploaded into LiveText.


  1. 1. base on the essential academic skills discussed. I feel that study time, time management, and being able to do things on time and ahead of times is a way that I can focus and be able to stay on top.

    2. the lesson i have learned so, far from last semester is basically dont wait to the last minute to study for a quiz, midterm, exam, or test.

    3.If i was working as a advisor for new freshmen, and assigned a workshop to provide students tools and ways to become successful? is basically stay focus, be positive, and study, workhard, and strive for the best, and do things on time.

  2. Doreall P. Jupiter

    1. The skills discussed so far time management is the most important. You will be on top of everything managing your time well and that is when alot of free time will come in to enjoy yourself.

    2. I have learned not to procrastinate about any situation or any work that I have to get done. Managing my time well through out the spring semester i will do great.

    3. I would love to work as an advisor for incoming freshmans. I would talk to the students about the essential academic skills. I would most defenitely speak about the importance of time management, staying focus, and striving for the best at all things. I would encourage them the best way I can b/c the key to success is an education.

  3. 1.The essential academic skill discussed so far that I feel is the most important is being a good listening. In order, to improve your grades you have to listen to the professors and your collegues.

    2.The most important lesson that I learn from last semester is to manage my time. Time managing will help you a lot.

    3.My workshop would be called Let's Manage Time. My workshop would have clocks all over the place. I would tell them about my freshmen year and give them the best advice that I can.

    @David Yes waiting until the last minute to do things was another big thing last semester.

    @ Doreall Staying focus and time managment is the key to a great education.

  4. Aeryka Harvey

    1. I believe time management is most important because without timing and planning one's whole college experience will be extremely hard.

    2. The most important lesson from last semester was to not schedule morning classes and go to bed after midnight. I know that I cannot be productive throughout the day with adequate sleep.

    3. I would speak to the freshmen about time management, choosing friends wisely and getting along with his/her roommate.

  5. Don't forget to post on LiveText for QEP

  6. 1. The essential academic skills that I find important goes as follows: 1.)time management 2.)money management and 3.)work management. There was once a time when I felt as though there wasn't enough hours in a day for me to complete everything I had to do. As a result, I found myself being late to appointments and things of that sort. In high school I didn't take time management seriously because there were really no consequences to my actions. Once I got to college I saw that I was, in a sense, singling myself out as a person that wasn't on top of the situation. I didn't like the way it made me look so I changed it. For as long as I can remember I've been horrible with managing my money; my mother is the same way. If I saw something I wanted and I had the money I would buy it, mainly because I knew that it would be more where that came from. But once I got to college I understood what it was like to be broke, I mean penny with a hole in it broke. So I had to learn to be frugal with my money, how to spend it on things I needed and just wanted. I know that work management isn't one of the essential academic skills, but in my eyes it is. When I was in high school, if a had a paper or assignment due I would concoct some outlandish story for an extension. Once I got to college that was out of the question. So in retropect, I had no choice but to learn how to manage my work ethic otherwise I wouldn't be able to excell in college.

    2. The lessons I learned last semester were vague and indirect so I wouldn't incorporate them into this semester.

  7. 1. I would have to say that time management is the most important, because if you manage your time well you wont be pressed to do things at the last minute and everything else will fall into place.

    2.Well socially i have learned that alone time can be the best time, when your constantly surrounded by people sometimes you can lose track of time and forget about things you really need to be doing such as homework or studying because you are enjoying yrself. I found myself getting caught up in this various times and am blessed that my grades didnt suffer for it, BUT i dont plan to take that risk again.

    3.I would most likely speak on time management and money management, time because its important and once its gone you cant get it back, then money becaue as a college student, the cafeteria food can get old quick and then you find yourself spending all your money on fast food and other things you dont need to and its important to save.

    @David i too have learned the same thing about studying, last minute is a no go

    @Chillia like your workshop, but i think some1 could get freaked out by all the clocks haha

  8. 1.)I would have to agree with most of my fellow classmates and say the essential academic skill that is most important is definitely time management.Time management is very important for you to have a well-balanced college experience. If your time is managed, it makes it much easier to go out and enjoy yourself and excel in your classes.

    2.)Last semester I basically learned that your college life should be enjoyable and I miss out on a lot by staying in my room studying all the time. Of course my grades were wonderful but i definitely missed out on the actually fun.

    3.)I would really enjoy working with incoming freshman. I would stress the importance of asking questions, applying yourself and simply believe in yourself. College is not that difficult if you are focus and ready for the transaction.

  9. 1. Time management is especially important to me because without it everything else goes out the window. Time management is an essential skill for anything else to work out right. Following time management, I think listening skills are especially important, because if people can't listen well enough to get the right information, then nothing else matters. Finally, I think study habits ought to be where they should be because they're kind of important if students want to retain any infomration.
    2. The lessons that I learned last semester were to take every class seriously and to make the college experience enjoyable.
    3. My workshop would be rather simple. I would just tell everyone to try their best at everyhing. I would tell them to use their time wisely and to behave appropriately.

    Aeryka: I agree with all of the things in your workshop, especially learning to get along with the roommate.
    Dorian: I also think people might be a little freaked out by all the clocks.
    Felisha: I could've also gone out and had more fun last semester. I think that's important too.

  10. 1.) An essential academic skill that is most important is time management. It is important to be organized and manage your time wisely. In the real world your boss isnt gonna except you sayin i lost track of time so its best to prepare now. Study skills come second because in order to do well you have to study. And lastly good listening is another important academic skill because it will help you understand what your learning so you will be able to ask questions that we'rent already answered.

    2.) Lessons I learned from last semester is to watch who you called your friends evryone who smiles in your face don't mean you well. I also learned that your teacher's are you best resources and you should take advantage of all the resources at school. The last lessoned I learned is dillar isnt completely organized so its best you organize yourself and stay on top of things.

    3. Advice I would offer to new freshman is bascially everything I been saying stay focused and organized, get involved in student activities, watch the company you keep and you will be a successful dillard university student. I would break down and give advice and examples for each siatuation in order to make them understand.

  11. 1. Time management and money management are very important skills. Time management is more important than money management because if a student, or any other person, is able to manage their time effectively than success is more likely to follow because the correct amount of time will be alloted to both studying and work, and acaddemic success more likely than not will be prioritized. Money management is also important, because if the money is not only spent wisely but saved as well then less time will be spent stressing over not being able to provide or enjoy oneself and more time will be left to actually learn and enjoy college.

    2. I learned that no matter how well I manage my time if I am not willing to put forth thee effort to do well, then I will not have academic success. This semester I know I need to put forth more effort in my classes and be more involved in campus life.

    3. If I were in charge of a freshman workshop then I would not only provide an interactive lecture on the importance of being responsible for their education but also have some of my peers provide anecdotes about their experiences.

  12. Kanitria Mason

    1.Of the essential academic skills learned so far through readings I believe good listening and time management are the most important. You must have good listening skills so that you can understand the directions of your tasks so that you may perform them correctly. However, you must be time efficient so complete you work to receive a grade.

    2.From last semester I learned to build relationships with all of my teachers and learn their tests and grading styles. Doing this will be very beneficial to my class work and my grade because I would have a better idea of what’s expected of me and how to produce the necessary work.

    3.My workshop would include memory/ scrapbooks of what students have done in the past that tells their stories and their dreams, goals, and successes. I would invite successful students of different background to come and talk to the students and tell their stories. The agenda would be:
    Meet and greet
    Tools for Success (a couple of tips that would help them along the way
    Stories from special guests

  13. Raina Roberts DU 902 sect. 005QJanuary 25, 2010 at 3:28 PM

    1.) Of the 3 essential academic skills, the first for me would be time management because I have all the time in the world to study in do homework, but I rather do it right before the class so it could be fresh on my mind; also because I be so into Lifetime. Next would be listening skills because I have trouble trying to listen while writing down what my professor is lecturing about, and last but not least it would be study skills because when I'm studying I'm memorizing. I just read over the material trying to memorize it instead of learning it.

    2.) The lesson I learned from last semester was not to ever give up no matter the circumstance and to read over my notes every nite. I will incorporate these lessons in my success by scheduling myself for school outside of school.

    3.) If I was an advisor for the new freshman my workshop would be designed to make sure they wouldn't have to go through all the things I went through. It would be to teach them that life is really what you make of it, and if they need help don't be afraid to ask.

  14. Lisa Landry

    1. Like many of my classmates stated time management is extremely important and it can be the determining factor of how prepare a student is to advance in college.

    2. Last Semester i learned that every assignment matters and there is no such thing as in unimportant class because everything counts toward your GPA.

    3. If i was to assist a new freshman class i would advise them to get their schedules and everything clear as long as inform them of the things i had to learn the hard way

  15. Alexandria Broadnax

    1.) Time Management is THE MOST important thing that I have learned thus far. It is important to manage your time both for academics and social events so that you can enjoy your college experience and also not be stressed. The next is Study Habits. Good study skills are important to pass tests and everyone wants to make good grades. Finally Listening skills are important to me because alot of important information is said in class and is needed for exams.
    2.) I have learned to not procrastinate. Procrostination is probally the worst habit to have it is both addictive and contagious.
    3.) If I was working as a peer advisor for freshmen my workshop would be called "Taking Advantage of Dillard" and i would tell them about all the different programs offered at Dillard and how it is important to be active in termsof getting the best education possible.

  16. Alexandria Broadnax

    >>Dorian Webster: I think Its cool to have fun in college with friends long as you get your work done and dont kill yourself...or eachother.

    >>Briana Katz: I agree with you money management is important especially if it is scarce.

    >>Aeryka Harvey: I have been going to sleep earlier and I feel SO GOOD! OMG i dont fall asleep in chemistry any more or kill myself tryna stay up in biology. Life is good.

  17. CHardai Grays

    1. Time management is at the top of my list of essential skills because without it, all the others skills fall short. Then it is work management, then money management. Im not sure why i feel that way. It may be because i do not like to think about money that much.

    2. I've learn not to procrastinate anymore. Time is too precious to waste.

    3. If you were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success, I would provide a workshop on freedom. Most college students abuse the freedom that is given to them when entering college

  18. Chardai Grays

    @Alexandria Broadnax .... This is totally true. I am a big procrastinator. I did to learn to manage my time.

    @David.. I always study at the last minute. Do you have any tips for that???

    @Briana Katz.....I agree with what you said. School is difficult and we need to learn to find the balance.

  19. 1. Of the 3 Essential Academic Skills discussed in your reading this far, rank them in terms of their importance, provide justification for your choice.
    Good Listening because I know personally I often will not pay attention to the teacher especially if they’re not their method of teaching is not engaging. So I feel that no matter the teachers teaching style it is up to me the students to be able to find a way for the teachers teaching method to work for. I have learned that I have to stop blaming the teacher for things I don’t understand but to find a better way that I can still learn and the teacher still teach his/her lesson.
    Note taking this also coincides with good listening because if I am not paying attention than it’s hard for to take good notes, but for some classes where teachers lecture I have found it easier to borrow my friends notes because she was able to adjust to the teachers teaching method and she took very adequate notes. So with that said if you have a classmate who you feel takes thorough notes than it could help if you compare notes with them. Also recording your teacher can help so that you can go back and write down any and everything that was discussed in that class.
    Studying is something that I am horrible at. I am the type of student that if I don’t get it during class than I won’t get it period but I have learned that if I just read over and review my notes it can make an impact. Also it helps to meet with the teacher and ask them if what you are studying is the essence of what they want you to know for a certain chapter or something.

    2. What are the lessons you learned from last semester? How will you incorporate those lessons into your success this semester?
    As stated last week a thing for me that was hard was my time-management and procrastination. But this semester I have already begun to fix this is by making a daily to do list and what I could realistically do on that day. So for instance washing clothes although I may have great intentions on washing them after dinner more than like it may be realistic for me to wash them on the weekend because I know I have more free time. Also planning my day minute by minute can help, it may sound ludicrous but it works, it helps me to know where I need to be at every moment of the day so that I don’t get side tracked like I often did last semester.

    3. If you were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success, what would it look like?
    My workshop would be called SUCCESS 101: PRATICAL AND REALISTIC WAYS IN SURVIVNG YOUR FRESHMAN YEAR. In this work shop students will learn about the resources available on campus to them and also learning how to plan their time to enjoy the college life but also making sure they are on top of their grades. This workshop will prepare freshman in making a schedule prior to classes starting so that they don’t get overwhelmed and they have a clear direction on what a typical week of college life will look like.

  20. I concur with the majority there are many skills and things that we may have don’t last year that we are going to do differently this semester and that’s really the best essential academic skill that you can acquire. Learning from your mistakes and using them to improve and make a better you. You all have some pretty creative workshop ideas; I hope they use them for next year’s incoming freshman.

  21. 1. I'd put time management first then money management then work management. I really aint worried bout work management cause i dont have a job and time management is important cause i need to manage time wisely.

    2. I learned that if i keep doin wut im doin ima be straight cause i got a 4.0

    3. I would aid the freshman in staying focused because a lot of people are lead astray once they get to college. Keep their head in the books and feet on the ground.

  22. Jasmine Hardman
    1.) Time Management is the most important thing that I have learned thus far. It is important to manage your time both for academics and social events so that you can enjoy your college experience and also not be stressed. The next is Study Habits. Good study skills are important to pass tests and everyone wants to make good grades. Finally Listening skills are important to me because alot of important information is said in class and is needed for exams.

    2.) I have learned to not procrastinate. Procrostination is probally the worst habit to have it is both addictive and contagious.Like momma always said hard habits are even harder to kick.

    3.) If I was working as a peer advisor for freshmen my workshop would be called Advantages of Dillard and i would tell them about all the different programs offered at Dillard and how it is important to be active in terms of getting the best education possible.

    @ alex i agree completely with everything girl.

    @ Ellisia i also hope they use them for next year’s incoming freshman.

    @andrew i believe managemnet in it's self says enough!

  23. 1. Being able to manage and balance one's time efficiently I think is the most important to becoming, as well as maintaing a happy and productive college experience. Yes our overall goal is to obtain a college degree, but we also are preparing ourselves for the "real world". The another important concept is understanding the difference between listening and hearing. Listening involves a person making a conscience decision to pay full attention to the information being presented, whereas hearing is only one aspect in the entire equation of listening. Listening involes all senses being focused and on one accord....hearing only uses the ears.

    2.Last semester gave me an opportunity to fine tune my studying habits, and also to indentify what areas I need to work on to ensure I maximize my time, as well as my potential. All of these things were learned and annalysized last semester, so that now they can be applied and incorporated into my life this semester.

    3. I believe that incoming freshmen need a workshop focusing on exploring ans explaining ways they can get involved around campus in activites. So many studies decide to be part of clubs because they assume that things are going to be difficult or boring, but in many instances that is not the case at all. Good extra-curricular activities can make all the difference in a college students experience.

  24. 1. The most important skill is time management. If time gets away from you because your concentration is directed else where, it could mean trouble for your grades.
    2. Last semester I learned the importance of balance. College is about getting your education but it is also suppose to be some of the best years of your life. One is not to outweigh the other.
    3. I would just have a workshop with mock situations that are positive and negative that show the consequences of certain actions and use upperclassmen to further expand on the effects of decisions.

    Bridget: Study habits was very important for me as well. When I first entered college, that was not an easy area for me.

    Andrew: I think being successful is good but there is always room to learn more and improve.

    Chardai: Procrastination is definitely not a good idea. That goes back to what I said about time management and maintaining a balance.

  25. 1. The most important essential academic skill is definitely time management. If you do not know how to manage your time wisely, you will DEFINITELY struggle in college. You need to know how to set aside specific times for work, play, and a sufficient number of hours to sleep. The second is money management because it is hard to survive being on your on. As a college student I have had surprising success in learning how to manage my money and stretch my bucks! The last one on my list is work management because I don't really have a job.

    2. The most important lesson I learned last semester is that I don't have to wait until the last minute to work hard on an assignment. If I work on an assignment periodically, piece by piece, I will have an excellent, finished project and I will not have to stay up until 5:00 am. This semester I will work on assignments day by day so that I will not be overwhelmed with my work all at once.

    3.If I were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success, I would definitely hold a workshop to stress to them the importance of registering their classes early and avoiding late fees. The fee for late registration is $400 and that is a costly price to pay for being lazy. Registering late could also mean that the freshman could miss out on classes that they may need for their major and be forced to spend an extra year in college.

    @ Doreall P. Jupiter

    It would be good to explain to the freshman the essential academic skills because it will make their freshman year a lot easier.

    @ Jessica Cunningham

    I definitely agree that everyone here are not my friends. I try to tell my roommate and my friend that all the time. You have only known these people for 5 months, not a life time. How could you call them your family? Really?

    @ Aeryka Harvey

    As much as we would all like to avoid morning classes, it is pretty much impossible to not have at least one.

  26. 1. I believe that time management is first in order of importance, because in order to do anything else, you must have time for it. Second I think your listening skills are very important in learning as well. However, if you aren't one to pay much attention in class, if you manage your time, you will have the chance to go back and review the material that was taught.
    2. Last semester I learned that all classes are equally important and I should study for all classes rather than put one aside to focus more on another. This semester I plan on, and have actually began to work a little each day on all subjects, therefore putting no more on one than I do another.
    3. If I was assigned a workshop to provide new freshmen with tools for success, I would have it detailed with much needed facts and details for a productive semester. I would allow them a q&a session, to get all of their pressing questions out of the way and maybe things that they don't wish to discuss with adults. I would also have planners and to-do lists handy, showing them that managing their time and planning their day at a glance is very important.
    @ Tandraer, I agree with the reason for your workshop, that is a lot of money to pay and time wasted for being lazy.
    @ Kanitria
    I agree, building relationships with your teachers is very important and helpful whether in or out of their class.

  27. 1. I feel time management is the most important. If i manage my time I will be more successful in my classes.

    2. Last semester i Learned that I am a audio and visual learner. I learned how to take notes that would be the effective way in college. I learned that i need to focus more on my classes and less on having fun.

    3. I would tell freshman how important is is to register early if they want to choose a certain time for a class. Also, the importance of putting time and effort into their classed. I would tell them to use their professor's office hours when they need help. Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions.

    @ Felisha Rideau I agree If we manage our time we cand have fun and study.

    @Alexandria Broadnax Things that Dillard offer have a lot to do with my success last semester.

    @ I had to put more time towards science because I didn't like it, but I was required to take a sacience.

  28. Time management, study skills, and balancing social and academic endevours, in order from most important to least, is how I rank essential academic skills. Time management is the most important because if you don't mangement your time correctly everything else will go doen the drain. Study skills is next because it is important to be able to learn and not just only knoe what you learn now in college. Balance is last because you need to have as while but that should be of low priority.
    2. I have learned to try not to miss classes. Missing classes is the easiest way to do bad in a class. I will go to class so that I have an oppurtunity to do as well as or better than my collegues.
    3. At my workshop, I would have an upperclassmen that has the same major as the freshmen partnered up with each or a group of freshmen. Then they would go around to stations that illustrate different scenarios (like buying books, how to take notes in class, what/what not do to on the weekend, ect.). The experienced upperclassman would talk and demonstrate how to do each activity and the freshmen will listen to the advice he or she would give.

    >Jasmine H., I agree that time management is the most important
    >Tandrea C.,I agree that you are doing a good thing by not weaiting to the last minute to work hard
    >Alainia, you giv good advice to freshmen

  29. 1. Time management is the most important essential skill because without it, all the others do come to bare. Time is everything and without time then we will not exact. You have to mange your time wisely around free time, work, and school to be sucessful in life.

    2. I learn to stay on top of my game and get the job done in college so I can get my money at the end. I will carry my hustling ways to complete the next semester and any other semester.

    3. If i was working as a advisor for new freshmen, and assigned a workshop to provide students with the main goal of college is the money at the end of the road. What are your goal throghout college. I will sort out their goals and how to be sucessful to their goals.

    I agree with Jasmine H., I agree with you about time management is everything and is the only thing.

    I agree Ellissia because she made a lot of points about esstainal skills and what we should do with those skills.

  30. 1. In my opinion the best order for Essential Academic Skills are: 1) Time Management 2) Work Management and 3) Money Management. I believe that time management is the most important because time is everything. You definitely have to find a balance between all your school work and time to spend money and make money (work).

    2. I learned to not procrastinate last semester. I still need to incorporate procrastination into this semester because I still have a problem with that.

    3. I would make sure that they understood what kind of committment school is. It would be a group of 7 people. The 3 Concentrated areas of the workshop would be:
    Registration: I would tell them to make sure they are prepared and have a positive attitude about registration. It is a long process. Advising: Make sure they read the catalog and know what is required and what is not because advisors can and will mess you up ( I am a living testimony). You have to know for yourself.
    Hours: Make sure your work load isn't too much. Make sure you have enough that you can handle and that you do not over work yourself so you can make the grades and have the time to make the grades.

    @Raven Hardy: what would be the agenda?
    @Briana: I completed agree with putting forth the time. It takes alot of dedication.
    @Erica: Missing class does easily mess you up. I had a teacher last semester that was very strict on after 3 class periods, your grade automatically drops a letter.

  31. 1. in my opion is that time management,work management,and money management are iimportant to me in this order. Time management is most important because, it is very important to be organized. Work manangement is important because,it is very important to have some kind of work ethic.Money management is important because,it shows how to spend money wisely.

  32. 2. I learned to handle my business last year because if you don't no one else will and you will be stuck out.
    3.The kind of commitment that has to be given toward college. Make sure you are comfortable with your classes and the enviornment and just work hard.

  33. 1.The most important Essential Academic Skill would be Time Management because it is a major aspect in life. Then Money Management although I know how to budget my money. Work would come last on my list because I don’t have a job.

    2.Last semester taught me things such as completing all work on time. It also taught me not to procrastinate because procrastination leads to major issues.

    3.As a peer advisor for new freshman I would encourage them to take time management into consideration because it will definitely help in the future. They should also know how to manage their money because it is hard getting all the things you need when you’re a college student and things come up at the last minute. They should also stay away from credit cards because It is easy to get in credit card debt.

  34. This is LaMegan Smith...

    1. I agree with most of my colleagues when they say that the most important that the most important academic skill is time management.

    2. Last semester, I learned many things that will help me for this semester. It taught me to manage my time wisely and not to procrastinate.

    3. I agree with Kimyana T. As a peer mediator to freshmans, I would advise them to be organize, avoid procastination, and manage time wisely.

  35. Tan-Talaysha Bailey
    1. Time management is the most important academic skill.
    2.The lessons I learned from last semester are to not procrastinate, and also to review notes often so that there is a better chance to retain information.
    3.If I were a peer advisor to the freshman, I would advise them to use time management, use all the helpful resources that are available to them and also to study as much as possible.

  36. Of the 3 Essential Academic Skills discussed in your reading this far, rank them in terms of their importance, provide justification for your choice.
    Of the three academic skills discussed in the reading, I too, believe that time management is key for a successful college experience. I do not believe the level of difficultness in college is to extreme, however I feel that there are a lot of assignments given, many with no purpose, that often time go without being graded by the professor. In knowing that you will receive numerous assignments, its key to manage your time to correctly so all tasks can become completed.

    2. What are the lessons you learned from last semester? How will you incorporate those lessons into your success this semester?

    The biggest lesson I have learned from last semester is to ask questions of professors. Often times I would just accept credit on an assignment without asking for a proper explanation on why I may have received a “B” on a paper over an “A”. Asking these questions can not only allow you to have a better understand of the assignment, but it also allows the professor the opportunity to see that your work is an extremely focal point.

    3. If you were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success, what would it look like? Post an agenda and a description of your workshop. (QEP) Save a copy of your response to be uploaded into LiveText.
    As a peer advisor for a freshmen workshop I would explain the dire importance of staying focused. There are so many opportunities to get away from your school work, that many are often unaware of them because that’s what they have become accustom to. I would explain that it’s cool to play hard, as long as you work harder. You do not pay $26,000 to go to every Greek party every weekend, school, then fun!!!

  37. Lyniece Catalan suggests...

    1. Of the 3 Essential Academic Skills discussed in your reading this far, rank them in terms of their importance, provide justification for your choice.
    1: Time management, 2: Work management, 3: Money management. In college, everything is dependent upon how you use your time. Its an obligation that you use your time in the right manner in order to succeed. When you divide your time between fun and work, you are able to differintiate what needs to be done and what can wait. Lastly, money will come and go, but any education is the main focus.

    2.What are the lessons you learned from last semester? How will you incorporate those lessons into your success this semester?
    I learned last semester that I must complete work study, otherwise, ill owe the school money when I don't complete all my hours. This semester, I will work all of my hours.

    3.If you were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success, what would it look like? Post an agenda and a description of your workshop.
    This tools for success would be as easy as listing the academic skills in question one in order of importance.

  38. 1.) I didn’t understand the question.
    2.) Last semester I learned that procrastinating can bring you down tremendously. Missing class thinking it all good will too. Also not studying can bring you down of course, but those are the most three. I started the new semester off real good, every time I think in my mind it’s ok to miss class I say to myself “you don’t want to be like you were before.” So as I do that it help me be more successful this semester.
    3.) My agenda for the workshop would look like this:
    • Talk about studying/tutors 10:00 A.M-10:30A.M(at this time I would talk to the freshmen about their studying habits and finding tutors)
    • Break the ice 10:45A.M-11:45 A.M (at this time they would all introduce themselves to each other to maybe make new friends)
    • Meet instructors 12:00 noon-1:30p.m(at this time they would meet with all their instructors to get a feel of what their class would be like.)
    • Testimonies 1:45p.m-2:15p.m(here some sophomores will testify how they made it through their freshman year, and give them some tips on how to survive)
    • Closure 2:15p.m-3:30p.m(the workshop will be coming to an end, and refreshments will be served)

  39. 1. Of the three Essential Academiv Skills dicussd in my reading I would rank my terms towards time mangment. My time mangement is way off. I get to class late and baily turn work on time. So I'll improve my time mangement by doing every thing I need to on time like I'm suppose too.

    2. Last semester I learned that it's better to come to class instead of missing days. Last semester when I missed days it was hard and too difficult too make the work. I learn it's better to come class and get an explantion of the work instead of thinking you can do it on your own.

    3. As a apeer adviser for new freshmens my worksop would inkclude a study pprogram. I would like to mak esure that all new freshmen have help with thier work and have thier personal tutors.

  40. Shond's idea of her own workshop seems great and I agree withher ideas.

  41. 1) Time management is the most important to me. I found out if you do homework and study during the day when nothing else is ging on then you can still have a social life. Managing your time helps you to successful complete homework and still have fun

    2)I agree wit Jalicia, that missing classes makes it that much harder to catch up and keep up.

    3)If I were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success,I would stress the importance of going to class and on time.
    I would definitely hold a workshop to stress to them the importance of getting the most out of their money and registering on time.

  42. 1)
    In my opinion i believe that managing your time is the most essential academic skill that is needed to accomplish many task . Once someone has their time under control , one can execute their task , so you wont be overloaded .

    The lessons i learned last semester was attending class and handing in class assignments on time , i received alot of penelities with turning in my work late , my grade was deducted and it took me awhile to get the memo . Now , i doing better with that situation and trying my best to keep afloat .

    I would defintely have a workshop about manging your money and time . It is essential that every new freshman get the right information from a person who has experienced ups and downs about both subjects .

  43. Replies

    @ brandi : i fully agree with you about time managemnet . Its all about being orangize , sometimes people get lost in their task because things arent organized .

    @ Zachary : I also agree with you, money is a big thing when it comes to college , your needs come first and asking one what their long term or short term goals are a way of painting a picture of success they can rely on .

  44. Lyniece, Craishan and Zachary...very true. I think most if not all can second that.

    1.Time Management, Work Management and Money Management. I choose this order because they all build upon each other..excelling at one, expands upon the next.Chronologically, these all equate yo a well-balanced college life.

    2.I learned to not procrastinate and to get to get to know your teachers. These are two issues that college students often look over without realizing the importance of it. I did pretty good with this last semester and plan to continue on with it this semester.

    3. I would discuss responsibility and all that it entails. I would elaborate on he/she's specific roles as students, and theirobligationd for handeling their own. In addition i would inform them that their instructors have certain responsibilities too that they should be fully aware and have a complete understanding of.

    p.s.- Great insight Alex.

  45. The academic skill i think is the most important is time management and listening skills. I think those two will help you maintain a health college life.

    I really don't know because i really can't use the same methods from last semester because if i would have use a better method last half i wouldn't be working so hard this semester.

    I would discuss the do's & don't as a college student. Tell them to make a lot of friends (positive ones). tell them to have self control & tell them to have a set limit on what they should get themselve into.

  46. 1. Of the 3 Essential Academic Skills discussed in your reading this far, rank them in terms of their importance, provide justification for your choice.

    Time management, work management, and money management

    There is no possible way I could choose the ranking of the three managements we have discuss in the literature. Because they are equally as important to college success and everything else in life you strive to do.

    2.What are the lessons you learned from last semester? How will you incorporate those lessons into your success this semester?

    Some of my lessons I have learned was the value of studying and relationship. I had to study more than what I use to study for high school because of the amount of work and knowledge that is provided to us in college. The next lesson I had to learn was the relationship aspect of college. It is of great importance that students should build relationships with teachers and other students so that opportunity could come knocking along.

    3.If you were working as a peer advisor for new freshmen, and were assigned a workshop to provide them tools for success, what would it look like? Post an agenda and a description of your workshop.

    If I was working as a peer advisor for new freshmen and were assigned a workshop to provide tools of success, I would first take them on a trip through the campus and show them the tutoring centers of the school explain to them the importance of college studying. Next I would explore the student time management..Then, money management would be the next because of the equal importance.

    Charles D. Hill III

  47. Xandra,
    Even things that did not have good results can be good lessons. The fact you saw them as not being good is a gret observation.

  48. Charles,

    Since you didn't rank them, which one do you see as the most important to you?

  49. Shakira Hunt said..

    1) One of the most important skills that we have talked about is time management. Time management is one of the skills that you are to have in college in order to be sucessful and attain the expreience.

    2) Last semester the biggest lessons I learned are manage you time, start on if not complete asignments as soon as they are given to you, and don't schedule an 8:00 class unless you are a morning person.

    3) As a student i feel as thought, you wont care about your school, or fully understand what a school is about until you know the history and the legacy behind the school. So I would first explain the monumental things that have come of Dillard and what is means to be apart of an Ivy Leauge school.

  50. Shakira Hunt said..

    @Brandi I agree with you. MY uncle had to stay on me and stress to me that i had to take care of my self because they will are now here.

    @Jessica I agree with you in saying and believing that everyone here is not your friend and that if you aren't selective then the oaks will talk. Luckily, I haven't been victimized by this horrible act but, just to know that it exists will further make me stay to myself.

    @Dorian u really tripping with them clocks

  51. 1)i think that time management is the most important because personally, when i am unconscious of time i tend to put work off until the last minute and worry about having fun, then realize i have a paper due the next day.

    2)last semester i learned that making friends that share the same classes as you is extremely helpful. If you fall sick one day and need updats for homewor and such these friends come in handy.

    3)i would make sure to imform them on managing time, checking homework as soon as it is assigned, and to make sure they are aware of grant and scholarship opportunities to lower their costs.

  52. i agree with charles when he says that for his fresh man, he would take them on a tour to see where the tutors and help centers, and labs are located.

    lyniece makes a good point when she says that money management is a helpful. personally, i am very cheap, yet many people dont cherish their money how i do.

    doria speaks about alone time, which i agree with. we all need time to ourselves to thin and sort out our thoughts without the distraction of others.

  53. 1. According to the 3 Essential Academic skills discussed in the reading , I feel that being a good listener is the most important. Listening can help you learn new things.

    2. The most important message that I learned from last semester was time management. I do not procrastinate as much now.

    3. If I was working as an advisor for new freshmen , I would teach them about time management and how to be organized with their time.

  54. 1. The essential academic skills that I find important goes as follows:Time Management, Work Management and Money Management. I choose this order because they all build upon each other..excelling at one, expands upon the next.Chronologically, these all equate yo a well-balanced college life.

    2.The biggest lesson I have learned from last semester is to ask questions of professors. Often times I would just accept credit on an assignment without asking for a proper explanation on why I may have received a “B” on a paper over an “A”. Asking these questions can not only allow you to have a better understand of the assignment, but it also allows the professor the opportunity to see that your work is an extremely focal point.

    3. if i were a peer advisor, i would shoow the students the importance of time management. it is a big concept in college life. it is easy to get distracted and caught up on other subjects that you forget about another. i would show them the importance of planing their days

  55. 1.Out of the essential task skill would listening is the most importamt becausing listen can help accomplish and know thimgs alot better

    2.i learne to do things on time so by time the end of the semester comes i wont stress myself tring to turn rhings in

    3.my work shop will be called how to listen...letting them know why listening important and how its best to just listen

    deionka conners

  56. shi'nece cockheranMarch 1, 2010 at 4:04 PM

    1. I believe that time management is the most essential of the skills, it is very important to stay on task and manage your time wisely.

    2. From last semester, I've really learned not to procrastinate. Getting things done on time really improves my grades.

    3. As a peer advisor for new freshman, my workshop would include study habit tips and time management tools.

  57. i learned last semester that i am a person who needs to be organized and that if you are not organized its gonna be hard trying to up with work you have done and work you need to do

  58. Quinysha Chapell said...

    2. The lessons that I've learned last semester is to stop procrastinating. I also learned to read and study text beforehand so that I can have prior knowledge. I will incorporate these lessons into my sucess this year by doing work early and not waiting until the last minute. I will also learn to be more proactive so that I can benefit my studing habits.

    3. If i were workin as a peer advisor for new freshman and assigned a workshop it would be similar to DU class. I would provide students with planners to keep everything organized. I would also assign students to meet once a week to stay on task. My workshop would allow students to get help when needed such as tutoring. I would help with scholarships and grants to help finance students. Students could come to my workshop for anything; it would be open seven days a week for assistance.

  59. i feel that it is time management, study time, and then doing things on time

  60. I just learned that you have to try and stay in top of things

  61. I would tell them to stay focus and continue to strive to finish

  62. 1. To me, out of all of the skills that were discussed so far, time management is the most important. If you manage your time correctly you can get your work done and also have some free time to yourself.

    2. I learned that my teachers want to help and that we must come seek them. Also, to do things before set deadlines

    3. I want to work as an advisor for incoming freshmen. I would talk to them about the importance of time management, staying focused, and staying on their A game.
